- Shashikala dasi (Vrndavana)
My Dearest Uncleji
Srila Maharaji, my missing dearest Uncleji loved us all completely selflessly and tremendously, more than we could ever love Him.
He was always very gambhira (grave) and peaceful with a natural sweetness which made us feel very much at home in His divine presence. Maharaji was my confidante in the most difficult time. I could open my heart to Him without talking even and He could read in it like a book and pacify it fully, putting a new ray of hope in my darkest moments.
Now I have no one who can do this magic.
When our Srila Gurudeva left us, He took such good care of us like his own children and that pacified us and secured us, knowing someone of our Gurudeva's spiritual calibre was there to protect and nourish us.
Now we are totally orphans...😥
I have no words to thank Him or be grateful enough for all the great things He did for us, the precious time and energy He offered us freely.
Really missing my dear Uncleji and can only lament I couldn't have been a better servant.
I pray He may never forget us and forgive our so unfortunate countless offenses at his lotus feet and other Vaisnavas.
And continue to protect us in our attempt of menial seva to Hari Guru and Vaisnavas and aspiration for our Rupanuga Bhajana that our beloved Gurudeva introduced to us as the most precious Ujvala Nilamani jewel.
It is with my eternal gratitude that I bow down to the dust of His divine lotus feet and offer Him my most affectionate obeisances.
Lowest Shashikala Devi Dasi anudasi